EIGHTH SEASON (1971-1972)



Samantha - Elizabeth Montgomery
Darrin - Dick Sargent
Endora - Agnes Moorehead
Larry - David White
Friar - Henry Oliver
Nobleman - Victor Rogers
1st Player - Gerald Peters
2nd Player - Damien London
Knight - Mike Howden
Tourist - Walter Alzmann
IVOR BARRY as Chamberlain


Samantha and Darrin are vacationing in Europe. At the moment they are in London and on a sightseeing tour of the Tower of London. As the guide leads the tour through the corridors of the Tower, a portrait of a 16th Century nobleman on horseback attracts Samantha's attention. Actually, the reason for the attraction is the fact that the figure of the nobleman is beckoning to Samantha!

He tells Samantha that a hateful witch has placed a curse on him, dooming him to remain in the portrait for a thousand years. Since she is the first witch to happen by in over 400 years, he would like her to release him from the portrait. Samantha questions him a bit about what he had done to deserve such a stiff curse. It seems at the time of Henry VIII reign, he had fallen in love with a witch and asked her to marry him, forgetting for the moment that he was already married. Samantha sympathizes with him and feels that he has served enough time. She zaps him out of the portrait. Suddenly, amid rumbles of thunder, Malvina the Terrible appears. She is quite angry at Samantha for reversing the curse she had put on the nobleman. To teach Samantha not to meddle, Malvina zaps Samantha back to Henry VIII's court.

Samantha arrives, having no recollection of who she is or why she is there. She happens upon a group of players who are about to perform before the king. She joins the group and quickly catches the roving eye of Henry VIII. Meanwhile, Darrin has called Endora for help. She arrives and Darrin tells her what has happened. To rescue Samantha, Darrin must return to the 16th Century and win Samantha with a kiss -- this will be complicated by the fact that Samantha has no idea who Darrin is. As the story closes, we leave Samantha literally in Henry's clutches and Darrin tentatively approaching the castle.

Samantha's head is in danger when she catches the eye of Henry VIII.

Written by: Ed Jurist
Directed by: William Asher
Produced by: William Asher



Samantha - Elizabeth Montgomery
Darrin - Dick Sargent
Endora - Agnes Moorehead
Larry - David White
Guide - Laurie Main
Courtier - Gil Stuart
Friar - Henry Oliver
Nobleman - Victor Rogers
Jailer - John Mitchum
Page - Paul Ryan
IVOR BARRY as Chamberlain


Endora clothes Darrin for his journey back in time and he arrives at the King's palace to find Henry is in hot pursuit of Samantha. She is curled up at his feet singing for him while he is gorging himself.
The Chamberlain and a courtier ride up to present Henry with his former wife's jewels (Queen Catherine, his fifth wife, had been beheaded that morning) which he plans to give to Samantha. While they are there Darrin grabs a pastry tray from a page and enters the room. He manages to get Sam alone for a minute, but she doesn't know him and he can't convince her to give him that kiss which will make everything all right.

Henry sees Sam's predicament and throws Darrin into the dungeon. He calls for Endora who takes the coin she had given Darrin to wear and uses it to hypnotize the jailer. She and Darrin, now dressed as a courtier, go to the King's masked ball. Endora gets Samantha alone and tells her she is a good friend of her mother's. She tries to convince Sam to gave up the King and pay attention to Darrin. Once again the King sees what's going on and promises he will behead Darrin this time. Endora suggests that the King wrestle with Darrin before sending him to the scaffold. In the ring, Henry is killing Darrin and Sam is wincing in sympathy. After a brutal bout, Darrin is out cold and the King is about to lift him for the final kill when Sam intercepts. She kisses Darrin and suddenly regains her memory.
The three of them pop out and go back to the Tower of London. Endora finds Herbie attractive and takes him out of the portrait again.---saying that Malvina the Terrible is no match for "Endora the Adorable." Sam renames the portrait "The Missing Horseman."

Darrin turns up at the Palace to rescue Samantha --but she must rescue him!

Written by: Ed Jurist
Directed by: William Asher
Produced by: William Asher



Samantha - Elizabeth Montgomery
Darrin - Dick Sargent
Endora - Agnes Moorehead
Larry Tate - David White
Tabitha - Erin Murphy
Adam -David Lawrence
Serena - Pandora Spocks
DON KNIGHT as Robbie


Samantha and Darrin are in the town of Inverness, Scotland, which is famous for Loch Ness, a large lake fed by the River Ness. They are visiting Darrin's cousin Robbie who owns a resort hotel on the Isle of Skye.

Robbie tells Sam and Darrin that the monster of Loch Ness - which is the biggest tourist attraction - has been very shy. Just then they see a creature with a long neck and the head of a dinosaur rise from the water. Robbie and Darrin faint. Samantha tells the monster (who is really a former warlock, Bruce), to get back in the water. She revives Darrin and Robbie and they go to the Inn where they meet Baron Von Hauser. The Baron, who has a mini-submarine, tells Sam and Darrin that he is trying to capture the monster and collect the $3 million reward money.

Samantha explains to Darrin that the monster, Bruce, was a friend of her cousin Serena. He hounded Serena so much that she turned him into a monster...and she is the only one who can restore him. Sam decides to summon Serena to save Bruce's life.

Serena arrives and the three go out on the lake in a row boat. Serena goes below and changes Bruce back to the obnoxious warlock he used to be. Bruce, filled with bitterness at Serena, decides to get even and gives her the tail of a mermaid.

Sam and Darrin are shocked when they see Serena and Darrin tries to carry her back to the Inn. Of course, everyone is curious about Serena's "injured" leg. Samantha zaps Bruce into the room and, just then, Robbie bursts in to say that the Inn is swarming with reporters, photographers and TV men who want to televise the monster in action.

Serena says she will have to be the Lake's attraction since Bruce is no longer the monster. But now that there will be publicity, Bruce wants to become the monster again. He changes Serena back and she in turn changes him into the Loch Ness Monster...and everyone is happy.

Samantha summons cousin Serena to change the Loch Ness Monster back into warlock Bruce..but it turns out he was better left as the monster.

Written by: Michael Morris
Directed by: William Asher
Produced by: William Asher



Samantha - Elizabeth Montgomery
Darrin - Dick Sargent
Endora - Agnes Moorehead
Larry Tate - David White
Tabitha - Erin Murphy
Priest - Steve Conte
Cab Driver - Peter Virgo, Sr.
Announcer - Phil Garris
JOHN RICO as Count Bracini


Darrin and Samantha are in their little Italian villa overlooking the Leaning Tower of Pisa when Esmeralda pays them a visit. She had been baby sitting with Tabitha but everything was going wrong and she wanted to talk to Sam.

Esmeralda tells Sam and Darrin that she was the one who made the Tower lean. She had been engaged to the builder, Bonano Pisano, and she goofed and caused his half-completed Tower to lean, hundreds of years ago.

Larry comes in with a client, Count Bracini, who immediately takes a liking to Esmeralda. Sam and Darrin are afraid she will let something slip so they don't let her out of their sight. Esmeralda decides to try to right her mistake..and, sure enough, she makes the Tower stand upright.

Samantha is distraught, the city reacts in amazement ... and Esmeralda forgets how she righted the Tower. Sam must go back in time with her and they relive the experience with Pisano. Esmeralda is then able to make the Tower lean once again.
The Count is joyous. Every paper has run headlines on the incident and tourism will double. And Esmeralda has regained her confidence.

Esmeralda decides to right a wrong she committed hundreds of years ago ... and she straightens the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

Written by: Ed Jurist
Directed by: William Asher
Produced by: William Asher



Samantha - Elizabeth Montgomery
Darrin - Dick Sargent
Endora - Agnes Moorehead
Larry Tate - David White
Guide - Al Molinaro
Waiter - Joe Alfasa
Cook - Harriet Gibson
LOU KRUGMAN as Mr. Baldoni
PENNY SANTON as Mrs. Baldoni


Samantha and Darrin are sightseeing in Rome. As they finish touring a museum they are joined - much to Darrin's chagrin - by Endora. Darrin leaves to meet Larry Tate and Mr. Baldoni, a prospective client. Samantha asks why Endora has joined them. Endora replies it is to protect Samantha as she expects Darrin to go bananas in Romantic Roma! When Samantha makes light of her mother's concern Endora decides to drive her point home.

Endora zaps the statue of Venus to life and arranges for the now real life Venus and Darrin to meet. Mere mortal Darrin is no match for Venus and goes off for an afternoon tour of Rome -- missing his business meeting. Samantha is preparing their rented villa for the weekend guests, Mr. and Mrs. Baldoni, when Darrin arrives home with Vanessa (the zapped in Venus).
Darrin tells Samantha that Vanessa is a long-lost cousin who needs a job and that she is to be their maid. Seeing Darrin and then Larry Tate so smitten, Samantha begins to suspect her mother's work. When the Baldonis arrive, Mr. Baldoni joins the male entourage paying homage to Vanessa. Mrs. Baldoni isn't exactly enjoying the scene and when she becomes quite vocal about it, Samantha takes positive action. Since Endora is not heeding Samantha's repeated callings, Samantha returns to the museum and zaps the statue of Adonis to life. When she returns to the Villa with her male guest the situation clears immediately as Venus and Adonis have eyes only for each other. Endora finally arrives and she and Samantha zap the lovers back to the museum. The guests are quieted when Samantha remarks how much in love the Baldonis must be to react so jealously about each other.

Venus, noted for her charm, and Endora, noted for her weird sense of humor, team up against Darrin, noted for being the butt of his mother-in-law's tricks.

Written by: Michael Morris
Directed by: William Asher
Produced by: William Asher

234. "PARIS, WITCHES STYLE" (10-20-71)


Samantha - Elizabeth Montgomery
Darrin - Dick Sargent
Endora - Agnes Moorehead
Larry Tate - David White
Tabitha - Erin Murphy
Adam - David Lawrence


Samantha and Darrin are sightseeing in Paris and Sam is sending back postcards, witches style, to Tabitha and Adam at home. Endora is staying with the kids.

During this, Samantha's father Maurice drops in at the Stephens' house and learns that his daughter is in Europe and didn't stop off in London to see him. He is very mad and Endora is worried for Sam. Endora pops over to Paris to warn Sam and, while she is there, Maurice enters as a black cloud. When Maurice blames everything on Darrin, Endora produces a robot Darrin to try to get the real Darrin off the hook. The robot is kind and gentle and tells Maurice that they didn't want to arrive in London before their gift was ready for him. He then takes out a Picasso portrait of Maurice. Maurice is impressed but fears he has broken Darrin's spirit and takes him into
the other room to talk to him.

The real Darrin comes in and, while Maurice leaves the robot Darrin for a minute, Endora zaps the robot out. Maurice learns of the trick and zaps the real Darrin to the top of the Eiffel Tower where he clings for dear life. When Darrin is down again, Sam tries to make him forget the incident and assures him that Maurice has left Paris.

But, when they arrive back at the hotel, they find Maurice there. Darrin speaks up to him and Endora steps in to protect him ... turns him into a statue of Napoleon which Maurice then breaks into a million pieces. He won't put Darrin back together- says he doesn't have the strength - until Endora threatens to move in with him to nurse him back to health. He brings Darrin back and things are back to normal.

Just then, Henri Sagan of Europa Tours, a prospective client of Darrin's, comes in carrying the newspaper picture of Darrin on the Eiffel Tower. Maurice comes to Darrin's rescue and tells Sagan that the slogan will read "Don't try to see Paris from the top of the Eiffel Tower. Let Europa Tours show it to you properly."

Sagan loves it and everyone is happy.

Samantha's father Maurice is upset that she and Darrin didn't stop off in London to see him...so he takes out his anger on Darrin.

Written by: Michael Morris
Directed by: William Asher
Produced by: William Asher



Samantha - Elizabeth Montgomery
Darrin - Dick Sargent
Endora - Agnes Moorehead
Larry Tate - David White
Duchess - Elizabeth Rogers
Maid - Cicely Walper


Samantha and Darrin are getting ready to leave London when their packing is interrupted by the arrival of Larry and Louise Tate. Larry has arranged for all of them to spend the weekend as guests of the Duke of Whitset at his castle. Sam and Darrin do not welcome the news as they were looking forward to going home, but they seem to be stuck.

When the four of them arrive at the castle, they find that the Duke accepts paying guests -- in other words, it's a hotel! The castle is however authentically English, complete with its own ghost. The Duke believes that one of his ancestors - Harry, Eighth Duke of Whitset - is the ghost.

That night the ghost makes an appearance. Samantha meets him in the hallway and discovers that the Duke is right -- Harry is the ghost. Harry takes a liking to Sam (especially since she's a witch) and when she rebuffs him he takes over Darrin's body. Harry is impossible to deal with and Samantha can't get him to leave Darrin's body. When Harry sees he can't get to first base with Sam, he makes a pass at Louise. Samantha finally solves the problem by summoning a lady ghost to keep Harry company. When the Duchess of Windemere appears, Harry immediately leaves Darrin's body and walks off arm in arm with his lovely lady ghost.

Darrin, of course, ends up paying for the "odd" behavior he had nothing to do with. Sam explains that Darrin has been working too hard on his "vacation" and Larry finally agrees to let them head for home.

Darrin becomes very romantic when Harry the ghost takes over his body.

Written by: Ed Jurist
Directed by: William Asher
Produced by: William Asher

236. "TV OR NOT TV" (11-3-71)


Samantha - Elizabeth Montgomery
Darrin - Dick Sargent
Larry Tate - David White
Steamboat Bill - Ed Call
Robin - Kathleen Richards
Script Girl - Barbara Dodd
lst Puppeteer - Bob Baker
2nd Puppeteer - Roy R. Ethering
Tabitha - Erin Murphy
Adam - David Lawrence
JOHN GALLAUDET as Lester Silverton
ROBERT Q. LEWIS as Director
WANDA HENDRIX as Helen Silverton


Tabitha and Adam are watching "Punch and Judy" on TV one day when Tabitha gets very upset that Punch keeps hitting Judy. Not only does she think it is unfair to Judy, but Adam imitates Punch and starts hitting her.

Using her witchcraft, Tabitha pops onto the screen and begins to lecture Punch...much to the amazement of Darrin, who is watching in his
office (he has sold the show to the sponsors) and the crew in the TV

Darrin calls Samantha and tells her to get Tabitha off the screen. Meanwhile, Larry Tate enters Darrin's office and tells him that the sponsor loved the little girl and wants her to be on the show. Later that day, Larry brings Lester Silverton, president of Silverton Toy Co., over to Darrin's house and when Tabitha comes in to say goodnight, Silverton recognizes her. He wants her to show up at the studio the next morning.

Darrin and Samantha are against this and Sam does a little witchcraft on the Silvertons. She makes sure Mrs. Silverton will bring her daughter, Robin - a professional young actress - to the studio to be on hand just in case something goes wrong.

At the studio, Tabitha is tired of all the attention she is getting and she tells Sam she wants to play instead. Sam suggests that she forget some of her lines...she does this just as Silverton comes in. When Mrs. Silverton and Robin appear, Sam induces Lester to tell Robin she can have the part.

Tabitha almost becomes a TV star, but she really doesn't want the role.

Written by: Bernie Kahn
Directed by: William Asher
Produced by: William Asher



Samantha - Elizabeth Montgomery
Darrin - Dick Sargent
Endora - Agnes Moorehead
Larry Tate - David White
Benson - J. Edward McKinley
Betty Susan Hathaway
BERNARD FOX as Dr. Bombay
BERNIE KOPELL as Apothecary


Endora arrives at the Stephen's home to find Samantha has lost her powers. The cause, as diagnosed by Dr. Bombay, is her marriage to a mortal. Endora's outrage is barely controllable. Signs of Maurice's arrival (trumpet blares and the like) appear. Endora and Samantha realize that his anger against Darrin will not be easily quelled if he discovers Samantha's problem. Endora agrees to help Samantha in deceiving Maurice. They are doing a great job when Darrin arrives and unknowingly lets the cat out of the bag. Maurice is furious, but when he tries to zap Darrin into a lizard he discovers his powers are gone!

Dr. Bombay makes a brief appearance to report that while he is trying to find a cure for Samantha's loss of powers, no one is to kiss her or they will lose their powers. Maurice had kissed Sam when he arrived. Maurice takes his loss in stride and the next morning decides to see how the "other half" lives. This is to commence with a visit to Darrin's office. Darrin's protests are to no avail. Benson's chile con carne is the problem at the moment; Mr. Benson finding fault with any campaign Darrin comes up with. Maurice solves the problem by tasting the chile, interrupting a meeting with Mr. Benson and presenting a campaign that Mr. Benson loves.

Finally, the cure is found and Samantha and Maurice have their powers restored.

Maurice finds out how the "other half" lives when he temporarily loses his powers.

Written by: Ed Jurist
Directed by: Richard Michaels
Produced by: William Asher



Samantha - Elizabeth Montgomery
Darrin - Dick Sargent
Endora - Agnes Moorehead
Larry Tate - David White
Louise - Kasey Rogers
Tabitha - Erin Murphy
Adam - David Lawrence
Hansel - Eric Chase
Gretel - Cindy Henderson
Policeman #2 - Joel Lawrence
RICHARD X. SLATTERY as Policeman #1
Bobo LEWIS as Stepmother


Tabitha brings Hansel and Gretel to life from a storybook to cheer them up because they are sad and hungry. Problems ensue as Tabitha transfers herself to the forest in the story in order to ask Hansel and Gretel's father if they can stay over night. When Samantha finds out what has happened, she follows her daughter to the forest.

In the meantime, Larry and Louise have arrived for dinner and Darrin must cover for Sam. While Samantha is. searching for Tabitha, Hansel and Gretel leave the Stephens' house to look for food.

Samantha finds Tabitha locked up in the wicked witch's dungeon. Samantha brings her naughty daughter home and sends Hansel and Gretel back where they belong after a brief encounter with the police. Darrin explains to Larry and Louise that all this confusion is due to Samantha's involvement in putting on the play "Hansel and Gretel." The Tates gladly offer to buy fifty tickets to the charity performance. Samantha will get out of this one somehow!


Samantha and Tabitha encounter a wicked witch as they switch places with Hansel and Gretel.

Written by: Michael Morris
Directed by: Richard Michaels
Produced by: William Asher



Samantha - Elizabeth Montgomery
Darrin - Dick Sargent
Endora - Agnes Moorehead
Larry Tate - David White


Samantha's cousin and childhood friend, Panda, is to be married in Hong Kong and Endora thinks Samantha should attend. Having just returned from Europe, Darrin's work has piled up and he is too busy to get away. Samantha wouldn't think of going without him, so the Stephens will be unable to attend. To Endora's logic the situation is quite simple - since it is Darrin's job that is keeping Samantha from attending her cousin's wedding, then the job must be eliminated!

To help her in this feat, Endora calls on Alonzo, a "right on" warlock. Alonzo, playing the role of the brightest copywriter ever to set foot on Madison Avenue, arrives at McMann and Tate. To make sure the act works, Alonzo zaps a spell on Larry Tate which results in Larry loving any and all of his ideas. Darrin is aghast, especially when Larry and Alonzo start to re-do the ad campaign on Montecello Carpets that Darrin has just completed. When Darrin interrupts Alonzo's thought waves, Larry suggests that Darrin should start his own agency if he doesn't like the progressive turn in McMann and Tate's policy. Darrin realizes at this point that the situation has all the earmarks of his mother-in-law's meddling. He calls and tells Samantha, who, after unsuccessfully trying to reach Endora, decides to fight witchcraft with witchcraft. With Darrin's blessings Samantha zaps his name onto the door of an empty office right across the hall from McMann and Tate, Larry approaches with Mr. Cushman of Montecello Carpets and when he reacts with surprise, Darrin reminds him that it was his idea. After Cushman hears Alonzo's ad campaign he returns to Darrin's "agency." In the end Darrin signs a contract with Montecello Carpets, Endora sees her scheme has backfired and Larry Tate contritely asks Darrin to come back to McMann and Tate.

Endora finds that Madison Avenue is Darrin's territory.

Written by: John L. Greene
Directed by: Richard Michaels
Produced by: William Asher

240. "THE EIGHT YEAR ITCH WITCH" (12-8-71)


Samantha - Elizabeth Montgomery
Darrin - Dick Sargent
Endora - Agnes Moorehead
Larry Tate - David White
Burkeholder - Parley Baer
Chet - Ron Russell
Betty - Samantha Scott
Waiter - Roger Lajoie


Darrin is trying to find a new Cat Lady for Tomcat Tractors, as part of their ad campaign. Endora, ever suspicious of Darrin, tries to stir up a bit of jealousy in Samantha. When she is unsuccessful, she reverts to her usual witchy self and enlists the help of Ophelia, a sometimes cat.

Ophelia gets the job of Cat Lady, entrancing both Larry Tate and Burkeholder of Tomcat Tractors. After being briefed by Darrin for her appearance at a sales convention, Ophelia feigns stage fright at the prospect of Darrin not attending the convention. As usual Larry pressures Darrin into going. Darrin is chagrined as he and Samantha were to celebrate the anniversary of their first date. He decides to take a late plane back from the convention so they can still have their celebration. Ophelia fixes this by pretending to be the reservations clerk at the airport and telling Darrin that, due to fog, no planes will be departing that evening. Darrin calls to let Samantha know of the delay. When Endora continues her hinting as to Darrin's real reasons for not coming home and then comes up with a good weather report, Samantha senses a plot. She prevails upon Endora to accompany her to Darrin's hotel room. They are just in time for Ophelia's temptress act with Darrin as the target. After a bit of "counter spell" casting, Samantha resolves the situation. Darrin comes through with flying colors and Endora promises not to interfere again.

Endora enlists the help of a cat to stir up some jealousy in Samantha.

Written by: Ruth Brooks Flippen
Directed by: Richard Michaels
Produced by: William Asher

241. "THREE MEN AND A WITCH ON A HORSE" (12-15-71)


Samantha - Elizabeth Montgomery
Darrin - Dick Sargent
Endora - Agnes Moorehead
Larry Tate - David White
Dancer - Hoke Howell
Handler - Scatman Crothers
JOHN FIEDLER as Spengler

Darrin's conservative nature leads Endora to cast a gambling spell on him. Endora indirectly gives Darrin a tip on the daily double and Darrin wins a bundle. Larry and Mr. Spengler, a client, decide to go along with Darrin and place a bet on the seventh race.

By this time, Samantha has found out what her mother is up to and tries to get her to remove the spell. Instead of removing the spell, though, Endora passes on a bum tip to Darrin. Even though Fancy Dancer is a known loser, Darrin respects his source and bets on him and gets Larry and Mr. Spengler to go for some action too.

Knowing that Darrin will be blamed if the horse loses, Samantha goes to visit Fancy Dancer before the race and tries to talk some sense into him. When it looks as though Fancy Dancer will come in last, Darrin offers to take over Larry and Mr. Spengler's bets. But Dancer comes through (Samantha's little talk helped) and wins the race. Darrin has really struck it rich because the horse was a long shot. But when he finds out how he won the money he decides to give to charity. Mr. Spengler and Larry now want the action on their bets back because of the good results. So Darrin's favorite charity will have to wait.

Samantha fixes a race -- but Darrin is a loser anyway.

Written by: Ed Jurist
Directed by: Richard Michaels
Produced by: William Asher

242. "ADAM, WARLOCK OR WASHOUT" (12-29-71)


Samantha - Elizabeth Montgomery
Darrin - Dick Sargent
Endora - Agnes Moorehead
Larry Tate - David White
Tabitha - Erin Murphy
Adam - David Lawrence
Golfer #1 - Bernie Kuby
Golfer #2 - Lew Horn
DIANA CHESNEY as Enchantra


Samantha is trying desperately to get Darrin off to the golf course - today the Council of Witches is sending a committee to test baby Adam for signs of supernatural powers. If he proves an ordinary mortal they must take him away from Darrin's mortal influence and train him to be a warlock. Samantha is a bit nervous about this as she knows Adam has shown nothing in the way of witchcraft. When Darrin finally leaves, Maurice, Samantha's father arrives, followed by Grimalda and Enchantra. Maurice goes upstairs to pre-test Adam and discovers the baby is normal. To fool the committee, he puts a spell on Adam and brings him down for the test.

At Maurice's bidding Adam flies around the room - only two feet off the floor, but then Maurice explains he is still very young. The committee is delighted at this feat and want to take Adam away to further develop his great power. Adam wishes his Daddy could see him fly and Darrin suddenly appears - he has been whisked away from the golf course. At this further display the committee insists they must take Adam away, but Maurice, responding to Samantha's silent appeal, admits he has put a spell on Adam. He removes the spell and Adam reverts to normal, but only for a moment. Samantha asks him to hand her a ball and Adam twitches the ball over to her. The witches are pleased. Adam does have some slight power after all, and he may stay with the family. Darrin and Samantha are outside saying good-bye to the committee when Adam calls his mother and Samantha disappears. Darrin rushes into the house to find her with Adam. He starts to complain, but Samantha assures him she will have a little heart-to-heart talk with their son about keeping things normal.

Darrin finds out, the hard way, that his son Adam has supernatural powers.

Written by: Ed Jurist
Directed by: William Asher
Produced by: William Asher



Samantha - Elizabeth Montgomery
Darrin - Dick Sargent
Endora - Agnes Moorehead
Larry Tate - David White
Tabitha - Erin Murphy
Adam - David Lawrence
Ralph Norton - Ricky Powell
Robert - Christian Juttner
ALICE GHOSTLY as Esmeralda
JEANNE ARNOLD as Mrs. Norton


Esmeralda arrives at the Stephens' home and mistakenly lands in the bedroom. She proceeds to get very upset over the fact that all her spells go wrong and decides she is a failure as a witch. To make matters worse Samantha has asked Aunt Hagatha to baby-sit that evening and not Esmeralda. In the midst of the scene, Larry Tate arrives. He announces that the client, Mr. Norton, and his wife cannot find a baby sitter for their son and won't be able to join them for dinner. Larry, seeing a chance for his contract to be signed at dinner, loses no time arranging for Esmeralda to baby-sit for the Nortons.

There ensues an evening of botched up magic courtesy of Esmeralda much to Ralph Norton's pleasure. The next day, however, Ralph comes home from school with a black eye due to his unbelievable tales of the night before. Enter the over-protective mother! The result is that Larry Tate's business prospects with Mr. Norton disappear and quite without the use of magic.

Samantha arranges a party complete with a magic show by Esmeralda. The Norton's are all invited and when the grown-ups view Esmeralda's unique form of wizardry they understand how Ralph might have believed Esmeralda was a witch. Everyone winds up friends again and Larry Tate regains his client.

Esmeralda's tragic magic strikes again!

Written by: Phillip and Henry Sharp
Directed by: Richard Michaels
Produced by: William Asher



Samantha - Elizabeth Montgomery
Darrin - Dick Sargent
Endora - Agnes Moorehead
Larry Tate - David White
BERNARD FOX as Dr. Bombay
JACK COLLINS as Mr. Prescott
SARA SEEGAR as Mrs. Prescott
MOLLY DODD as Mrs. Brock


Samantha feels a tremendous heaviness and fatigue and when Darrin tries to lift her she seems to weigh a ton. She immediately calls Dr. Bombay.

Dr. Bombay brings a scale and it shows that Sam weighs 400 pounds. He tells her she has a condition peculiar to witches and warlocks called Gravititis Inflamitis ... an inflammation of the gravitational tendons. He gives her an antidote - but it makes her too light and she floats to the ceiling.

Mrs. Prescott, the wife of one of Darrin's clients, arrives to pick up Sam for the charity bazaar and fashion show that Sam had volunteered to help at. Darrin, who is holding Sam by the waist, must go with her. She is at her booth with a large bolt of material to keep her from floating.

Along comes Mrs. Brock who, of course, wants to buy the bolt that is on Samantha's lap. When Darrin returns Samantha has floated up to a tree. He climbs up and joins her just as Mr. Prescott shows up and threatens to take away the account.

Samantha must appear in the fashion show and she gets an idea of how to make it a campaign for Prescott shoes, Darrin's account. Carrying a huge brass urn on her shoulder, which keeps her on the ground, she half walks and half floats. She says the slogan is "With Prescott shoes, you don't walk, you float!"
Finally, Dr. Bombay returns with the antidote for the antidote and Sam is back to normal. And Mr. Prescott likes the slogan.

Samantha wakes up with a condition called Gravititis Inflamitis but puts it to good use for one of Darrin's clients.

Written by: Michael Morris
Directed by: Richard Michaels
Produced by: William Asher

245. "SERENA'S RICHCRAFT" (1-22-72)


Samantha - Elizabeth Montgomery
Darrin - Dick Sargent
Endora - Agnes Moorehead
Larry Tate - David White
Pirhana - Ellen Weston
Steward - Joe Ross
Waiter - Bernie Kuby


Serena arrives at the Stephens' home seeking shelter - she has been stripped of her powers by the jealous Contessa Pirhana. Sam is apathetic. Darrin, though, knows trouble when he sees it and tells Samantha that Serena is not a welcome guest in his house. In the midst of all this, a new client of Darrin's,- Mr. Harrison Woolcott- arrives in his helicopter to pick Darrin up for a meeting. When Serena sees the wealthy and distinguished looking Woolcott, she decides that since she's out of witchcraft ... RICHcraft will do!

Much to Darrin's chagrin, Serena is still at the Stephens' home when he later arrives with Larry and Woolcott. Further, Serena is out to snare Woolcott and leaves no doubt in anyone's mind as to what she is doing. After a fishing date with Woolcott, which lasts about three days, Serena returns home (i.e. the Stephens' home). Samantha decides she must step in and curtail the romance - not only for Darrin's sake, but for Harrison Woolcott's. She freezes Serena and keeps a lunch date with Woolcott in Serena's form. She tells Woolcott that it's been fun, but that this is it. Woolcott is astonished at the change in attitude and later seeks Darrin's help in pursuing Serena further. Darrin would like to refuse, but Larry won't let him, as a very important client is involved.

Samantha has just zapped Contessa Pirhana in to negotiate a peace treaty between she and Serena when Darrin, Larry and Woolcott arrive. Before Woolcott can approach Serena, Samantha puts a spell on him so that he is enchanted with the Contessa, not Serena. Serena finally gets her witchcraft back and loses Woolcott - temporarily -to the Contessa ... but then she doesn't need richcraft anymore!

Darrin finds out Serena is trouble - with or without her power.

Written by: Michael Morris
Directed by: William Asher
Produced by: William Asher

246. "SAMANTHA ON THIN ICE" (1-29-72)


Samantha - Elizabeth Montgomery
Darrin - Dick Sargent
Endora - Agnes Moorehead
Larry Tate - David White

BOB PAUL as Instructor
ERIN MURPHY as Tabitha

Tabitha is invited to a skating party ... but she doesn't know how to skate. Samantha says she will take her to the skating rink and take lessons with her. Sam promises Darrin that Tabitha will learn in the mortal way and Darrin challenges Sam to keep her word.

Samantha and Tabitha are skating clumsily and the instructor is enamored with Samantha. Endora, who is watching, decides to give Tabitha a little help ... and suddenly the child becomes a great skater. The instructor can't believe his eyes.

Sam is embarrassed to tell Darrin what happened ... but her conscience is heavy and she decides to break the news. Just as she is about to explain, the doorbell rings and it is Billy Blades Bookoltzer, the dean of American figure skating. He has heard that Tabitha is a champion skater and wants to audition her for the Olympic Games.

Sam and Darrin refuse but Blades won't take no for an answer. He threatens to hound them continuously until they agree. They finally decide to take Tabitha to the audition and show Blades how she really skates.
Endora pops in again and puts a spell on Tabitha who begins to skate magnificently. Samantha pleads with Endora to remove the spell -- she tells her that Tabitha will be miserable if she becomes a skating champion. Endora agrees to remove the spell and when Blades sees Tabitha skate badly, he is astounded. He accuses the instructor of flipping out ... and he storms out. Tabitha is saved, and Sam and Darrin are happy.

Tabitha is all set to learn to skate the mortal way ... but Endora gives her a little help.

Written by: Richard Baer
Directed by: William Asher
Produced by: William Asher

247. "SERENA'S YOUTH PILL" (2-5-72)


Samantha - Elizabeth Montgomery
Darrin - Dick Sargent
Endora - Agnes Moorehead
Larry Tate - David White
DAVID HAYWARD as Young Larry
TED FOULKES an Little Larry


Samantha summons Serena to babysit while she and Darrin attend a charity luncheon. Serena comes over in a bikini as Sam has zapped her off the beach in St. Tropez.

When Sam leaves, Serena goes out to the patio to continue her sun bathing. Larry comes over to return Darrin's putter and Serena flirts with him. She convinces him to take a pill that will make him younger.

Larry leaves the house in a hurry, before he gets into trouble and when he walks into his own house, his wife Louise looks at him in surprise. He passes a mirror and sees that his once gray hair and mustache are now a bright red, his walk is jauntier and his attitude younger.

Later, Larry visits Sam and Darrin and tells them he wants to market the fabulous pill that has made him feel and look so young.
They make excuses and say NO!

Sam is very worried because the pill makes one younger and younger and younger. She tells Serena to find the antidote before Larry starts slipping back. Louise comes over to tell the Stephens how worried she is about Larry's sudden rejuvenation.

Darrin goes to the office and sees that Larry has already gone back ten years. Sam comes over and Larry is now an 18 year old boy. As Sam and Darrin take him back to their house Larry becomes 10. Serena is there with the antidote and in a few minutes Larry is back to his old gray self -- much to the relief of everyone.

Serena slips Larry a youth pill and he becomes younger and younger and younger.

Written by: Michael Morris
Directed by: E.W. Swackhamer
Produced by: William Asher



Samantha - Elizabeth Montgomery
Darrin - Dick Sargent
Endora - Agnes Moorehead
Larry Tate - David White
Tabitha - Erin Murphy
Janitor - Allen Jenkins
NITA TALBOT as Mrs. Rollnick
JEANNE ARNOLD as Mrs. Hickman


The doorbell rings at the Stephens' home and it is Mrs. Hickman of the Board of Education. She says that Sam and Darrin are keeping a child home who is of school age and they must register Tabitha at once...or there will be a court order. Sam and Darrin are very upset but they decide they must enroll her.

Sam takes Tabitha to Miss Vogel's 2nd grade class and Samantha tries stay as long as she can but Miss Vogel asks her to leave. There is one bully in the class- Charlton Rollnick -- and he delights in first putting a frog in Tabitha's desk, then pulling her pigtails. Samantha, who has come back for a moment, sees Charlton pulling Tabitha's hair and puts electricity into it to give him a shock.

After class, Charlton waits for Tabitha and again tries to push her around and bully her. She zaps him into a frog. When Miss Vogel catches her with the frog, she makes her put it back in the terrarium and Tabitha just manages to sneak it out again before she leaves.

When Tabitha comes home, Samantha tells her she must turn the frog back into Charlton. But Tabitha can't -- it seems she has taken the wrong frog. Sam has to exchange frogs and gets home just in time to greet Charlton's mother who has come to pick him up.

Tabitha zaps the frog back to Charlton but not enough -- he can only say re-bleep. Finally Charlton is back to normal ... but he still has a slight craving for flies.

Tabitha's first day at school turns out to be an eventful one; she changes the class bully into a frog.

Written by: Ed Jurist
Directed by: Richard Michaels
Produced by: William Asher



Samantha - Elizabeth Montgomery
Darrin - Dick Sargent
Endora - Agnes Moorehead
Larry Tate - David White
Tabitha - Erin Murphy
Sergeant - Herb Vigran
Neighbor - Dick Wilson
Officer - John Garwood
1st Hippie - Renee Tetro
2nd Hippie - Thad Geer
WILL GEER as Washington


It is the week before Washington's birthday and Tabitha's school has a "show and tell." Tabitha has a book on the first President, but would rather bring Darrin's collection of Washington relics to show the classroom. Samantha tells her that the buckle and button they have are too valuable to take to school.

Esmeralda overhears the conversation and tells Tabitha she will zap George's buckle and button out of the picture in the book ... by mistake, she zaps out George himself.

Esmeralda tries desperately to put George back in the book, but fails. There he is in full dress in the Stephens' house and he doesn't know what hit him. He looks around the house in awe and can't believe such things as the telephone and the car.

Samantha goes to make George some tea and he walks out of the house. He wanders over to the park where a group of people are gathered around a speaker at the fountain. When the speaker finishes, George gets up and addresses the crowd who thinks he is some nut pretending to be George Washington.

Soon a police officer comes up and tries to stop him from speaking. George refuses and even pulls his sword, challenging the officer. As Sam arrives, the policeman says he will bring George to trial and let him out of jail on $2000 bail.
As Sam and Darrin are discussing what action to take, Esmeralda comes up with the right incantation and sends George back to the book. However, he leaves his shoes behind. Esmeralda tries to give him his shoes ... but instead, she zaps out George again and this time Martha is with him.

Esmeralda tries to zap George Washington's buckle and button out of a book ... and instead zaps out George himself.

Written by: Michael Morris
Directed by: Richard Michaels
Produced by: William Asher



Samantha - Elizabeth Montgomery
Darrin - Dick Sargent
Endora - Agnes Moorehead
Larry Tate - David White
Tabitha - Erin Murphy
Sergeant - Herb Vigran
1st Hippie - Renee Tetro
2nd Hippie - Thad Geer
Officer - John Garwood
Jamieson - Herb Voland
WILL GEER as Washington


Due to Esmeralda's messed up witchcraft, George Washington returns -- this time he is accompanied by Martha!

Having told Martha of the wonders of the twentieth century, George is not unhappy to be back at the Stephens' home. At his suggestion Samantha shows Martha around the kitchen while George talks to Darrin about his upcoming appearance in court. George feels that, having broken a modern law governing free speech, he would be no better than a coward if he did not appear to defend himself. Darrin is impressed and agrees with George. The Washingtons spend the night and are having breakfast the next morning when Larry Tate arrives.

The Washingtons are explained as a retired history professor and his wife who have really "gotten into" George Washington. Tate sees George as a great ad campaign for Whirlaway Washing Machines. Thinking he is doing Darrin a favor, George agrees to accompany Larry and Darrin to a client meeting. At the meeting George displays his usual honesty and integrity which results in the loss of the Whirlaway account. These same qualities are displayed that afternoon in court. The result, however, is a dismissal of the charges.
Esmeralda finally remembers the spell and zaps the Washingtons back into the book. Although not a witchcraft fan, Darrin is sorry to see them go.

A memorable visit from George and Martha Washington results from Esmeralda's messed up magic.

Written by: Michael Morris
Directed by: Richard Michaels
Produced by: William Asher

251. "SCHOOL DAYS, SCHOOL DAZE" (3-4-72)


Samantha - Elizabeth Montgomery
Darrin - Dick Sargent
Endora - Agnes Moorehead
Larry Tate - David White
Tabitha - Erin Murphy
Adam - David Lawrence
CHARLES LANE as Mr. Roland


Endora thinks that Tabitha should be sent to Witch's Elementary instead of mortal school, but Samantha won't hear of it. So Endora casts a spell that turns Tabitha into a 7-year old "super genius."

When Sam takes Tabitha to Westport Elementary, to take a test, Tabitha astounds the teacher, Mrs. Peabody by completing the 20 minute test in 30 seconds and with a perfect score. Mrs. Peabody rushes the child into the principal's office and Tabitha continues to demonstrate her intelligence by solving math problems, quoting Shakespeare, and explaining Einstein's theory of relativity. This leaves the principal, Mr. Roland, just as flabbergasted as the teacher. Samantha, however, knows the real reason behind Tabitha's newly acquired "talent," and gets Roland to promise that Tabitha will be given no special treatment.

When Sam gets home, she's furious and makes Endora remove the spell. That afternoon, Mrs. Peabody drops in ... now she wants to do a magazine article on Tabitha. Samantha wants no part of it and Mrs. Peabody pretends to leave. But instead, she peers over the fence just in time to catch Tabitha using her own powers of witchcraft to zap up a castle out of Adam's set of blocks. The teacher doesn't quite believe her eyes and decides to ask some questions, but Sam catches her. Realizing that Mrs. Peabody won't leave without an explanation, Sam not only tells her that witchcraft runs in the family she gives the teacher a demonstration. When Mrs. Peabody tells Mr. Roland what she'd experienced he's sure she's flipped, but he reluctantly agrees to return to the Stephens with her. When they get there, Darrin and Sam convince Roland that the tricks were part of an old vaudeville routine and succeed in teaching the teacher a lesson about snooping.

Tabitha gets an assist from her grandmother when Endora casts a spell that turns her into a 7-year old super-genius.

Written by: Michael Morris
Directed by: Richard Michaels
Produced by: William Asher



Samantha - Elizabeth Montgomery
Darrin - Dick Sargent
Endora - Agnes Moorehead
Larry Tate - David White
Tabitha - Erin Murphy


When Darrin has a problem with an advertising campaign for a prospective mattress manufacturer, Samantha offers some of her creative ideas. Darrin listens but does not accept his wife's suggestions because he believes they were created by witchcraft. Samantha argues that her ideas came strictly from her earthly mind. Her pleadings fall on deaf ears and she and Darrin stop talking.

The day of the presentation arrives and Mr. Benson, the president of the mattress company is shown Darrin's ideas -- Mr. Benson turns thumbs down on the project. Larry, Darrin's boss, is able to talk Mr. Benson into returning on another day for a new presentation.

Mr. Benson comes up to the office the next day and is shown Samantha's ad campaign. Darrin is sure he will accept it because witchcraft is involved. To Darrin's surprise, Mr. Benson rejects the second attempt at the campaign. Darrin runs home to apologize to Samantha. She accepts the apology and says, "We should not be losing sleep over this." This phrase triggers a new ad-line for Darrin that finally helps sell Mr. Benson on the agency.

Samantha and Darrin argue over the use of witchcraft in an ad campaign.

Written by: Bernie Kahn
Directed by: Ernest Losso
Produced by: William Asher



Samantha - Elizabeth Montgomery
Darrin - Dick Sargent
Endora - Agnes Moorehead
Larry Tate - David White
Charlie - Paul Smith
Sergeant - Herb Vigran
Nurse Often - Suzanne Little
BERNARD FOX as Dr. Bombay
BERNIE KOPELL as Apothecary
RITA SHAW as Aunt Hagatha


A new Chinese restaurant account calls for an exotic dinner with the new client. But a new drink called "The Heavenly Himalayan"--based upon a secret formula -- leaves Samantha dizzy, weak, powerless ..and with bright red stripes on her face! Dr. Bombay is summoned and quickly determines that Samantha has Bright Red Stripes disease attributed to Himalayan cinnamon which ancient Tibetan monks used to drive away witches. The antidote is simple; Dr. Bombay prescribes eye of condor, powdered snake skin, fig newts, a pint of unicorn milk - non-fat, and a toasted cheese sandwich on rye.

Aunt Hagatha zaps Sam to the apothecary and after fighting the lecherous druggist, she finally gets the antidote. But the potion doesn't work; all it does is add horizontal red stripes to Sam's now checkered face! It seems Dr. Bombay forgot to include one ingredient, the tail feather of a Do-Do bird. As Do-Do birds are now extinct, Aunt Hagatha has to zap one out of a book.

The Do-Do bird is huge, ugly and ornery. To get a tail feather, Darrin must chase the bird around the house and up on the roof. Once again the potion fails to work. Dr. Bombay has actually forgotten another important ingredient: a piece of Himalayan cinnamon stick. Since only the Chinese restaurant has this particular cinnamon, Darrin must break in to get some. But he is caught by the police. No explanation is believed. So after putting up bail, Darrin rushes home, prepares the correct potion, and finally cures Samantha of her embarrassing disease.

Old Chinese Proverb: Witch should blink softly and never touch cinnamon stick.

Written by: Leo Townsend
Directed by: Richard Michaels
Produced by: William Asher



Samantha - Elizabeth Montgomery
Darrin - Dick Sargent
Endora - Agnes Moorehead
Larry Tate - David White

PARLEY BAER as Ed Franklin
SARA SEEGAR as Frances Franklin
BERNIE KUBY as Salesman


Endora, believing that mortals have a tendency to lie to each other, decides to prove her point. And, as usual Darrin is caught in the middle. Darrin buys a present for Samantha -- a pin in the shape of a unicorn. Endora adds a little excitement by casting a "truth-spell" on the pin -- wherever it might be. This provides several embarrassing situations at Darrin's office, where he, his secretary and Larry Tate get down to the gut truth about each other.

The embarrassment multiplies in the Stephens' home that evening when Darrin and Samantha entertain Larry, along with a prospective client, a pompous middle-aged business woman, and her henpecked husband. The presence of the pin, which Darrin has now presented to Samantha, continues to precipitate many indelicate comments by whomever is immediately exposed to it. Worst of all, this "truth spell" threatens to cost Darrin and Larry the account. All ends well, however, as the brutal frankness of Darrin and Larry, directed toward the pompous prospective client, helps them to get the account, instead of losing it. Darrin even gets a raise from Larry, to boot.


Endora casts a "truth spell" on a gift from Darrin to Samantha and causes everyone embarrassment.

Written by: Ed Jurist
Directed by: William Asher
Produced by: William Asher